How to create a strike through in an equation in MS Word

Solution 1:

My workaround (not quite sure what the names of the menus are in the English version):
1. Open a math zone
2. Open Accent menu and select Boxed formulas (or type \rect)
3. Right-click on the placeholder, select Border property, and remove one by one each side of the border; finally insert the desired strike through, from the same menu
4. Select the template you have built and save it as a new equation.

Now you have a new template you can use with any expression.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

The LaTeX cancel command is not supported in Word's equation editor. I've struggled with this before and the solution below is the closest I got.

Let's take 3/7 as an example and cancel the 3:

  1. Insert a new equation object and add a fraction object, type 7 as the denominator.

    enter image description here

  2. Select the numerator, then on the Insert tab click Quick Parts and choose Field....

  3. On the field name list choose Eq and click the Field Codes button.

  4. In the Field codes textbox type EQ \O(3,/). The \O flag stands for "Overstrike", and it superimposes its parameters on top of each other. In this example it will produce 3 with a slash.

    enter image description here

  5. Click OK and you'll get this result:

    enter image description here

There are a few limitations to this approach. It's hard to insert and impossible to edit properly. It also doesn't scale to larger (wider) objects since you're just getting a slash character on top, not a real diagonal line from the top right corner to the bottom left.

I'd be happy to find a better solution, other than placing a line drawing object over the relevant area of the equation.

Note: screenshots taken using Word 2010

Solution 3:

Old post I know, and maybe things have changed. With Word 2016 (iMac version)... simply typing the strike through variable as text (ie, select it and tap the strike through font option), then coping and pasting that into my equation worked. You had to watch those irritating auto “smart selection” options etc, or it would try and paste in paragraph marks too. See example screenshot. Microsoft Equation Screenshot