How to change FireFox switch tab shortcut on OS X?

updated for macOS and current Firefox.

  1. default shortcut: Command+Option+ and Command+Option+
  2. alternative shortcut: Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab
    this shows firefox tab switcher in current version
  3. alternative shortcut: Command+{ and Command+}
    this actually requires 3 keys to be pressed on US keyboard Command+Shift+{ and Command+Shift+} and may not work with other keyboard languages
  4. alternative shortcut: Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down
  5. you can also jump to tabs directly with Cmd+1, Cmd+2, Cmd+3, Cmd+4 etc.
  6. you can try a Firefox add-on focused on switching tabs which suits your needs: Add-ons browser
  7. just use a BetterTouchTool to remap any keystroke or mouse/trackpad gesture you want to already existing Command+Option+ and Command+Option+ keystrokes.

I personally prefer #7: Command+Option+ and Command+Option+ for switching tabs. I haven't modified Firefox at all and I used BetterTouchTool to remap keystrokes in every other app which uses other commands that these two. Now I can use Cmd+Option+ and Command+Option+ to switch tabs across all apps I use on Mac and it works great.