Phrase for "suddenly wake up from a dream"

What is a natural thing to say when you suddenly wake up from a dream?

The impression I have in mind is of something like burst/tear apart or escape from the dream scene by waking up.

Solution 1:

You can use snapping out of a dream, which has that sudden meaning.

You can also use startle, as in startled from a dream, although this seems less sudden.

People are more often disturbed suddenly from daydreams than dreams, so you may find more uses by looking for daydream terms such as reverie.

Solution 2:

You can say that the person jolted awake.

"In this context, it means to awaken suddenly (for example when waking suddenly from a dream). The sudden fear is the "jolt" that awakens you from your previous state."

Source of website:

Solution 3:

There is a verb that has been used to mean wake up from dreams. This means he woke up suddenly from a dream-sleep state, and this verb is


to awake abruptly out of (also from, †out) sleep, a daze, etc.; to come awake with a start

Tarrant started from his dreams as a man seated himself in the next chair and boomed the words into his ear.

(1922 H. Oyen, Tarrant of Tin Spout vii. 60)

Oxford English Dictionary

† means obsolete (so today one wouldn't say to start out one's sleep)