Solution 1:

If the site where you download from supports resumed downloads, you can use either use curl with the --continue-at option or wget with the --start-pos option.

While there is a --max-filesize option for curl, it just refuses to download the file.

So you can either interrupt the download when the file is large enough, or use an additional program like pv (you will probably have to install this package).

Example: Assuming "decimal" GB to be on the safe side, 4 GB = 4000000000, so use e.g.

curl --continue-at 8000000000 http://your/file/url | pv -S --size 4000000000 > your-file-name

to download the third chunk. (I hope curl handles large numbers correctly, I only checked with small numbers).

Both are standard Linux programs, I don't know if they are available for Windows as well.