Where is "Browse in same window" in Windows 7

It looks like the capability to do this was removed from the GUI in Windows 7.

Have a read of the following for instructions on how to change the behaviour via the registry to how you want it:
- How to configure Internet Explorer to open Office documents in the appropriate Office program instead of in Internet Explorer
- A new window opens when you try to view a 2007 Microsoft Office program document in Windows Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8

To freshen and complete this...

This is related to new Excel 2007 behaviour and the second link provided by SIM worked, it gives you a downloadable FixIt program from Microsoft.

For those who already have the regedit open/quick fix, you simply replace the 00008 with 80000a00 to set it to open in the browser not externally via excel.exe.

This also works in IE9. HTH