Parental Controls Through Terminal

Solution 1:

You can change /Library/Managed\ Preferences/Username/ under the key time-limits there are 2 dictionaries you may need to consider :

  • weekday-allowance

  • weekend-allowance

Both have a key "secondsPerDay" you may change.

You may edit the .plist by converting it to XML using sudo plutil -convert xml1 theFile and then edit it with your favourite command line editor.

Solution 2:

You can also change the setting with PlistBuddy:

sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'set time-limits:weekday-allowance:secondsPerDay 10800' /Library/Managed\ Preferences/test/

Replace test with the username.

When I tried using fast user switching to log in on a test account, switching back to my main account, and setting the limit to a few seconds, I wasn't able to log back in on the test account. I don't know if the changes are applied immediately if the account is in use though.