How to View Windows Files on a Wubi install?

Solution 1:

In a Wubi install your windows partition (your C: drive) is mounted in /host/

In nautilus, the file manager, click on the File System icon at the left bar. In the right panel there is view with some folders, all your C: drive contents will be inside of the one called host.

Solution 2:

To explore your harddisks you can use Disk Utility. Open the Dash with the Windows-key and type in disk... and start the application.

open disk utility

On the left hand you find your Storage Devices. Choose the right one. Now you can mount the proper volume (if not yet done) on the right hand (Mount Volume) and open the folder by clicking the path shown under Mount Point.

Be careful with options like Format Drive, Edit Partition, and Delete Partition! You could lose data or damage your system.

You should be able to find your user data under (C)/Users/(Username)/... (Documents, Music, etc.)