Start new Activity and finish current one in Android? [duplicate]

You can use finish() method or you can use:


And then there is no need to call finish() anymore.

<activity android:name=".ClassName" android:noHistory="true" ... />

Use finish like this:

Intent i = new Intent(Main_Menu.this, NextActivity.class);
finish();  //Kill the activity from which you will go to next activity 

FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY you can use in case for the activity you want to finish. For exampe you are going from A-->B--C. You want to finish activity B when you go from B-->C so when you go from A-->B you can use this flag. When you go to some other activity this activity will be automatically finished.

To learn more on using Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY read:

FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY when starting the activity you wish to finish after the user goes to another one.