Android SDK cannot be found by flutter

I have installed flutter through AUR. I also have aur/android-sdk 26.0.2-1 installed. When I run flutter run I get:

Warning! This package referenced a Flutter repository via the .packages file that is
no longer available. The repository from which the 'flutter' tool is currently
executing will be used instead.
  running Flutter tool: /home/dair/.flutter-sdk
  previous reference  : /home/dair/flutter
This can happen if you deleted or moved your copy of the Flutter repository, or
if it was on a volume that is no longer mounted or has been mounted at a
different location. Please check your system path to verify that you are running
the expected version (run 'flutter --version' to see which flutter is on your path).

Unable to locate a development device; please run 'flutter doctor' for information about installing additional components.

Firstly, I ran flutter --version, and received:

Flutter • channel alpha •
Framework • revision e2f54df5ab (9 days ago) • 2017-06-02 10:43:54 -0700
Engine • revision 1f2aa07571
Tools • Dart 1.24.0-dev.3.0

Not sure what exactly it means by "to see which flutter is on your path". Next I ran flutter doctor and got:

[✓] Flutter (on Linux, locale en_US.UTF-8, channel alpha)
    • Flutter at /home/christopher/.flutter-sdk
    • Framework revision e2f54df5ab (9 days ago), 2017-06-02 10:43:54 -0700
    • Engine revision 1f2aa07571
    • Tools Dart version 1.24.0-dev.3.0

[✗] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices
    ✗ ANDROID_HOME = /opt/android-sdk
      but Android SDK not found at this location.

[✓] Android Studio (version 2.3)
    • Android Studio at /usr/local/android-studio
    • Gradle version 3.2
    • Java version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_112-release-b06)

[✓] Connected devices
    • None

However, if I cd into /opt/android-sdk I get:

➜  ~ cd /opt/android-sdk 
➜  android-sdk ls
add-ons  build-tools  emulator  platforms  tools

So it looks like it is there. The closest question I could find is this one: React Native android build failed. SDK location not found but it seems to be using Mac as opposed to arch as well as some other differences. How can I resolve the flutter doctor and have my app run?

I was running with the same problem when I was trying the flutter doctor command:

enter image description here

The problem is a little clear, it's occurring because the flutter is not founding the path for your Android SDK.

There are two ways to solve it:

  • You can solve this issue setting only for your current terminal instance the SDK path with the following commands:

    flutter config --android-sdk /path/to/android/sdk

    flutter config --android-studio-dir /path/to/android/studio

  • Or to save it forever, exporting the ANDROID_HOME with your Android sdk path.

I solved it by exporting the ANDROID_HOME on my machine (Arch Linux, but this works for any Unix instance).

This will solve your issue, But you can need the sdk, platform-tools, tools and the ndk-build paths too (of course, everything needs to be installed first) on my profile file (in my case the .zshrc file, the same can be done on your .bashrc and etc.):

#SDK exporting - this will solve your issue
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/{user}/Android/Sdk 

#Tools exporting - it can be need in your case
export PATH=/home/{user}/Android/Sdk/platform-tools:$PATH
export PATH=/home/{user}/Android/Sdk/tools:$PATH
export PATH=/home/{user}/Android/ndk-build:$PATH

#Flutter binary exporting
export PATH=/home/{user}/flutter/bin:$PATH

Then, I reloaded my profile file (that in my is the .zshrc file, use your file in your case .eg .bashrc):

source ~/.zshrc

After that, the flutter doctor will run properly.

enter image description here

If you're using Android Studio 3, you can configure your platform SDK by going to File -> Project structure and choose your platform SDK.

Hope this works for you.

enter image description here

I have solved this problem by the following command flutter config --android-sdk <sdk-location> Where is the location for your sdk. If you're on windows make sure to use double quotes.

For Windows: Inside Android Studio, get path from : Apprearance & Behaviour > System Settings > Android SDK > Android SDK path

Make sure your path does not contain any spaces in them, if you have edit path and re-install sdk to a different location.

After that,

flutter config --android-sdk {path}
flutter doctor --android-licenses

You are set!