Mavericks Internet Sharing over Ethernet stopped working

Solution 1:

Okay, so I got it to work again. I had to manually enter the correct DHCP, IPv4, and DNS settings on the MacBook Pro.

Here are the settings I used to get it to work in Network Preferences on the MacBook Pro:



I had previously tried to do this manually, but I only tried the IP address stuff, I didn't think about entering in the DNS server until I read this article:

It's dumb that I have to do this manually now, and that I still am unable to see AirPlay/AirPort devices.

Solution 2:

Very good reply, it solved my problem.

However, how do you find the address you need to use for the manual configuration of the WiFi client?

The way I found the one that works with my system was to start a Terminal window and type

ifconfig -a

then look for a "bridge" interface with a valid inet (IPv4) address. I then used another address from the same network (e.g. if the bridge has you specify and follow the instructions given above.