How to know Hive and Hadoop versions from command prompt?

How can I find which Hive version I am using from the command prompt. Below is the details-

I am using Putty to connect to hive table and access records in the tables. So what I did is- I opened Putty and in the host name I typed- and then I click Open. And then I entered my username and password and then few commands to get to Hive sql. Below is the list what I did

$ bash
bash-3.00$ hive
Hive history file=/tmp/rkost/hive_job_log_rkost_201207010451_1212680168.txt
hive> set;
hive> select * from table LIMIT 1;

So is there any way from the command prompt I can find which hive version I am using and Hadoop version too?

Solution 1:

$ hive --version
Hive version

EDIT: added another '-' before the version. Doesn't work for newer versions. Hope it works for all now.

Known to work in the following distributions:

  • HortonWorks distribution: $ hive --version Hive
  • CDH 5.3

It does not work:

  • CDH 4.3
  • HDinsight (Azure)

Solution 2:

$ hadoop version
Hadoop 0.20.2-cdh3u4

Not sure you can get the Hive version from the command line, though. Maybe you could use something like the hive.hwi.war.file property or pull it out of the classpath, though.

Solution 3:

You can not get hive version from command line.

You can checkout hadoop version as mentioned by Dave.

Also if you are using cloudera distribution, then look directly at the libs:

ls /usr/lib/hive/lib/ and check for hive library


You can also check the compatible versions here: