kubernetes list all running pods name

I looking for the option to list all pods name

How to do without awk (or cut). Now i'm using this command

kubectl get --no-headers=true pods -o name | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'

Solution 1:

Personally I prefer this method because it relies only on kubectl, is not very verbose and we don't get the pod/ prefix in the output:

kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name"

Solution 2:

You can use the go templating option built into kubectl to format the output to just show the names for each pod:

kubectl get pods --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'

Solution 3:

Get Names of pods using -o=name Refer this cheatsheet for more.

kubectl get pods -o=name

Example output:


To remove trailing pod/ you can use standard bash sed command

kubectl get pods -o=name | sed "s/^.\{4\}//"

Example output:


To get podname with particular string, standard linux grep command

kubectl get pods -o=name | grep kube-pqr | sed "s/^.\{4\}//"

Example output:


With this name, you can do things, like adding alias to get shell to running container:

alias bashkubepqr='kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -o=name | grep kube-pqr | sed "s/^.\{4\}//") bash'

Solution 4:

You can use custom-columns in output option to get the name and --no-headers option

kubectl get --no-headers=true pods -l app=external-dns -o custom-columns=:metadata.name

Solution 5:

You can use -o=name to display only pod names. For example to list proxy pods you can use:

kubectl get pods -o=name --all-namespaces | grep kube-proxy

The result is:
