Dangerous implications of Allman style in JavaScript

I cannot remember where, but recently I passed a comment where the user told that 1TBS is more preferred than Allman in JavaScript and said Allman has dangerous implications in JavaScript.

Was it a valid statement? If so, why?

Solution 1:

return cannot have LineTerminator after it so:



is treated as return; (return undefined) instead of return {}; (return an object)

See the rules for Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) for more.

Solution 2:

It is a valid statement.

Because JavaScript's engines have what's called ASI (Automatic Semicolon Insertion) which inserts a semicolon if necessary at lines returns. The "if necessary" is ambiguous; sometimes it works and sometimes doesn't. See the rules.

So, as said in the other answers:


// Is read by the JavaScript engine, after ASI, as:
return; // returns undefined
{ // so this is not even executed

So it's not recommended for return statements.

However, if your guidelines recommend the Allman style for function declarations, it's perfectly fine. I know some that do.