What abilities, mechanics, classes, spells, etc. are changed by Kaedrin's PrC Pack?

There is an update log on Kaedrin's website (in the menu under 'Update History and Documentation').

To give a taste, as the entire list is way too long to put here:

1.42.1 changes

Add message to Hawkeye about requiring ranged weapons
Artist feat text clarified
Boon of the Unlucky now has a 10% chance not to consume a use of Aura of Unluck and a 5% chance you will regain two uses of Curse.
Breath of the Dragon description now indicates it can only be used while in dragon shape.
Briar Web description updated to indicate it deals 3 points of damage.
Characters with less than 25 druid who have Emberguard gain access to a lesser form.
Cloud Mind now accounts for Epic Inspiration