How to subscribe to updates of a specific package?

I'd like to recieve some sort of notification when a new version of nss-pam-ldapd package is available on the repository.

Is there an email list or any other tool of this sort I can subscribe to?

You can setup special software on your machine or in your browser.

  • Use SiteDelta Watch addon in Firefox. It scans page or its region for changes and show notification if interesting area of page was changed. You need to do the following:

    1. install this addon from
    2. open needed page in Firefox
    3. click SiteDelta Watch button on Firefox toolbar and click Monitor

      monitor changes

    4. Then click on down arrow to open right sidebar

      open sidebar

    5. Click Add new and select paragraph with version number

      select region

    6. That is all, SiteDelta Watch will inform you on page change.

  • Other method is to set up local python watcher - urlwatch:

    1. Install it

      sudo apt install python3-pip python3-keyring
      pip3 install urlwatch --user
      pip3 uninstall keyring
    2. Set it up according to recommendations from official GitHub page - create file ~/.config/urlwatch/urls.yaml with contents:

      name: "APT package watch"
      url: ""
        - xpath: '//*[@id="content"]/h1'
        - html2text: re

      Note: in code above xpath: '//*[@id="content"]/h1' refers to the h1 header element with text Source Package: nss-pam-ldapd (0.9.9-1) [universe] (as in SiteDelta method).

    3. Run urlwatch first time manually and create crontab job for it. SMTP notifying is supported too.

Personally I use both - SiteDelta and URLWatch.