What is Nidalee's Javelin Toss damage cap?

Solution 1:

I quite sure the javelin toss has a hard cap so the max damage would be:

(55 + 66) * 2.5 = 302.5

66 is the max ability power I could get on level 1(runes, masteries and amplifying tome)

But if there would be no cap I get a max damage of 799

using the formula:

(55+66)*((distance/1500) * 2.5) Where distance is distance from target on impact.

Thresh is allowed to be 1500 units away from his lantern Nidalee's max spear range is 1500 unit

The travel time of the spear is 1500/1300 = 1.15 in this time Nidalee can travel another

335 * 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.27 + 400 = 962 units (Base * Time * Passive * ghost + flash)

So we will get a total of

1500 + 1500 + 962 = 3962

and if we put this in the formula: (55+66)*((3962/1500) * 2.5) = 799

if we take Vayne(with a base 30MR) gets hit by this spear 799 - 23% = 615 dmg

And a lv 1 only has 442 health.


If there is no cap on nidalee's spear you could 1 shot an ad carry on LV 1.

Solution 2:

The only thing I can tell for sure is that around 3 or 4 months ago, there was absolutely no cap on the spear's damage. Using flash to get away right after throwing a max range spear would output a greater amount of damage. I never tried this out since Tresh came out but I know it used to work with flash. SivHD also made a video about Nidalee in which he talks about this "exploit".