Enable ecryptfs for all new users, even those authenticating through kerberos and ldap

I have managed to get it to work using pam_exec:

  1. Create a script to setup ecryptfs for all new users in /etc/security/ecryptfs:

    home=`eval echo ~$PAM_USER`
    read password
    if [ -d $ecryptfs ];  then
        # ecryptfs is set
        echo "Ecryptfs is already configured"
        exit 0
    elif [ `id -u` == 0 ]; then
        # Setup ecryptfs and make home
        umask 077
        mkdir -p $home
        group=`id -gn $PAM_USER`
        chown $PAM_USER:$group $home
        ecryptfs-setup-private -u $PAM_USER -l "$password" -b --nopwcheck
        exit 0
        # NOT ROOT
        echo "Cannot login with 'su' for the first time"
        exit 1

    Make sure the script is executable:

    sudo chmod a+rx /etc/security/ecryptfs
  2. Add entry to execute it with pam_exec on auth:

    sudo vim /etc/pam.d/common_auth

    Add the following lines:

    auth    required        pam_exec.so     expose_authtok /etc/security/ecryptfs
    auth    optional        pam_ecryptfs.so unwrap

    The pam_exec is set to required, because it will not setup ecryptfs if the script doesn't run as root. This is the case if su is used from a non-root user. So if ecryptfs is not setup and su is used (that is when the user attempts to login for the first time using su) then his will get refused. As such we ensure that the user cannot login without an ecryptfs setup.

  3. Create another script to populate the home directory in place of pam_mkhomedir

    sudo vim /etc/security/mkhome

    This script will copy everything in /etc/skel if the file .donotremove doesn't exist.

    cd ~
    if [ ! -f .donotremove ] ; then
        echo Copying /etc/skel
        cp -ra /etc/skel/* ~
        touch .donotremove

    Also make sure this file is executable:

    sudo chmod a+rx /etc/security/mkhome
  4. Add another entry to execute this script on a session

    sudo vim /etc/pam.d/common_session

    Add the following lines:

    session optional        pam_ecryptfs.so unwrap
    session optional        pam_exec.so     seteuid /etc/security/mkhome

Now LDAP users can login and have an ecryptfs encrypted home directory.


Instead of editing the files in /etc/pam.d directly (which is generally not recommended), it is better to apply the settings as a PAMConfig profile.

Just paste this code into a new file /usr/share/pam-configs/ecryptfs-nonlocal:

Name: Enable EcryptFS for users from remote directories such as LDAP.
Default: no
Priority: 0
Conflicts: ecryptfs-utils
Auth-Type: Additional
    required    pam_exec.so expose_authtok /etc/security/ecryptfs
    optional    pam_ecryptfs.so unwrap
Session-Type: Additional
    optional    pam_ecryptfs.so unwrap
    optional    pam_exec.so seteuid /etc/security/mkhome
Password-Type: Additional
    optional    pam_ecryptfs.so

And then run pam-auth-update:


Check Enable EcryptFS for users from remote directories such as LDAP. and make sure that eCryptfs Key/Mount Management is unchecked. Leave all other options up to your preferences.

This will make sure that relevant configs in /etc/pam.d are applied and that they stay there.