PYSDM missing in Ubuntu 12.10 and higher

I can't find a GUI, but I found this:

Auto Mounting HDD's

  1. You must have all your partitions mounted.
  2. Go to the Dash and open a Terminal.
  3. Enter the following command:

    sudo -H gedit /etc/mtab
  4. A file will open in Gedit. Scroll to the bottom of the file and your newly mounted devices should be listed.

    For example:

    I looked for /dev/sda3 & /dev/sda4 and found them in these lines:

    /dev/sda3 /media/my_name/Ext\040Storage\0401 ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper+udisks2 0 0
    /dev/sda4 /media/my_name/Ext\040Storage\0402 ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper+udisks2 0 0
  5. Make a note of these lines.

  6. Open a new Terminal window.
  7. Enter this command:

    sudo gedit /etc/fstab
  8. A file will open in Gedit called fstab. This is the config file for the auto mount.

    Now scroll to the bottom of the fstab file, copy the lines that you noted and paste them there, save and exit.

  9. Now, you have your partitions mounted permanently.

To check everything is mounted without problem, open new Terminal window and enter this command:

sudo mount -a

If it shows no error, all is working..

Pysdm was a GUI for the above, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any answers available... So if anyone else is in the same predicament I hope that this helps.

Good just found a solution on Ubuntu 13.04 (salamander):

1) Open the application: Disks.

2) Click on the partition you want to mount automatically.

3) Below is a settings button with two gears, please click and select mounting actions.

4) Double click the folder that is mounted conventionally and fixed where it is mounted. It's usually media/username/

...and you're done.