Virtualbox Windows 10 install boots into checkered screen

I’m trying to install Windows 10 into virtualbox on Ubuntu 18, however when trying to first boot up it says Press F12 to select boot device and then switches to this screen and flashes a green and blue background pic settings1 settings2 settings3 settings4 I’ve tried enabling and disabling 3D/2D acceleration. enter image description here Why isn’t it working?

I just ran into this checkerboard issue while trying to setup a Windows 10 Enterprise (version 2004) VM with VirtualBox 6.1.

When creating the virtual machine, VirtualBox incorrectly detected the VM as a Windows NT 4 install instead of a Windows 10 install resulting in the checkered screen on boot. To fix this, go under Settings -> General -> Basic and verify the version is correctly set to Windows 10.

Boots properly into the installer after changing this.

Had a similar issue. Fixed it by changing the version from 32bit to 64bit.
