Reference from UITableViewCell to parent UITableView?

Store a weak reference to the tableView in the cell, which you'd set in -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: of your table's dataSource.

This is better than relying on self.superview to always be exactly the tableView is fragile. Who knows how Apple might re-organize the view hierarchy of UITableView in the future.

Here's a nicer way to do it, which does not rely on any particular UITableView hierarchy. It will work with any future iOS version, provided that UITableView does not change classname altogether. Not only this is extremely unlikely, but if it does happen you will have to retouch your code anyway.

Just import the category below and get your reference with [myCell parentTableView]

@implementation UIView (FindUITableView)

-(UITableView *) parentTableView {
    // iterate up the view hierarchy to find the table containing this cell/view
    UIView *aView = self.superview;
    while(aView != nil) {
        if([aView isKindOfClass:[UITableView class]]) {
            return (UITableView *)aView;
        aView = aView.superview;
    return nil; // this view is not within a tableView


// To use it, just import the category and invoke it like so:
UITableView *myTable = [myTableCell parentTableView];

// It can also be used from any subview within a cell, from example
// if you have a UILabel within your cell, you can also do:
UITableView *myTable = [myCellLabel parentTableView];

// NOTE:
// If you invoke this on a cell that is not part of a UITableView yet
// (i.e., on a cell that you just created with [[MyCell alloc] init]),
// then you will obviously get nil in return. You need to invoke this on cells/subviews
// that are already part of a UITableView.

There is some discussion in the comments about whether keeping a weak reference is a better approach. It depends on your circumstances. Traversing the view hierarchy has some small runtime penalty as you are looping until the target UIView is identified. How deep are your views? On the other hand, keeping a reference on every cell has a minimal memory penalty (a weak reference is a pointer after all), and generally adding object relationships where they are not needed is considered a bad OO design practice for many reasons, and should be avoided (see details in the comments below).

More importantly, keeping table references inside cells adds code complexity and can lead to errors, because UITableViewCells are reusable. It is no coincidence that UIKit does not include a cell.parentTable property. If you define your own you must add code to manage it, and if you fail to do so effectively you can introduce memory leaks (i.e., cells live past the lifetime of their table).

Because typically you'll be using the category above when a user interacts with a cell (execute for a single cell), and not when laying-out the table in [tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:] (execute for all visible cells), the runtime cost should be insignificant.

Xcode 7 beta, Swift 2.0

This works fine for me, in my opinion it has nothing to do with the hierarchy or whatever. I had no trouble with this approach so far. I've used this for many async callbacks (ex. when an API request is done).

TableViewCell class

class ItemCell: UITableViewCell {

    var updateCallback : ((updateList: Bool)-> Void)? //add this extra var

    @IBAction func btnDelete_Click(sender: AnyObject) {
        let localStorage = LocalStorage()
        if let description = lblItemDescription.text
            //I delete it here, but could be done at other class as well.
        updateCallback?(updateList : true)


Inside table view class that implements the DataSource and Delegate

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell: ItemCell = self.ItemTableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("ItemCell") as! ItemCell!
    cell.updateCallback = UpdateCallback //add this extra line
    cell.lblItemDescription?.text = self.SomeList[indexPath.row].Description
    return cell

func UpdateCallback(updateTable : Bool) //add this extra method
    licensePlatesList = localStorage.LoadNotificationPlates()

Ofcourse you can put any variable in the updateCallback and change it's function in the tableView accordingly.

Someone might want to tell me if it is save to use though, just to be sure.

You have to add a reference back to the UITableView when you construct the table view cell.

However, almost certainly what you really want is a reference to your UITableViewController... that requires the same thing, set it as a delegate of the cell when you build the cell and hand it to the table view.

An alternate approach if you are wiring up actions is to build the cells in IB, with the table view controller as the files owner - then wire up buttons in the cell to actions in the table view controller. When you load the cell xib with loadNibNamed, pass in the view controller as the owner and the button actions will be wired back to the table view controller.