PhpStorm Field accessed via magic method

I have ignited datatables Library in my CodeIgniter library folder.

Some Code from Library

class Datatables
     * Global container variables for chained argument results
    protected $ci;
    protected $table;
    protected $distinct;
    protected $group_by;
    protected $select         = array();
    protected $joins          = array();
    protected $columns        = array();
    protected $where          = array();
    protected $filter         = array();
    protected $add_columns    = array();
    protected $edit_columns   = array();
    protected $unset_columns  = array();

     * Copies an instance of CI
    public function __construct()
        $this->ci =& get_instance();

Then I called the library in model

class Common_Model extends MY_Model{

    function __construct(){

then I tried to call the library functions

function select_fields_joined_DT($data, $PTable, $joins = '', $where = '', $addColumn = '',$unsetColumn='')
    if ($unsetColumn != '') {
    if ($joins != '') {
        foreach ($joins as $k => $v) {
            //$this->datatables->join($v['table'], $v['condition'], $v['type']);

    if ($addColumn != '') {
        $this->datatables->add_column("Actions", $addColumn);

    $result = $this->datatables->generate();
    return $result;

and everything works fine, except that the phpstorm shows me this error:

Field Accessed via magic method

enter image description here

I tried to remove this error with document comments but can't figure out how can I do that.. any help will be appreciated.

Solution 1:

Edit: Just because I keep getting upvotes for this, I want to preface this answer with a caveat. I inherited an old project that I would not be working on long term nor be paid to properly type everything. I consider the below a nuclear option and would only do so under similar conditions. If this is a project you own or will at least be working with a long time, especially in modern PHP 7/8 and beyond era, please don't do this and tidy up your code instead with actual types or at least a docblock :) Original answer follows below.

If you want to remove this without document comments you can uncheck Notify about access to a property via magic method which is found in

Project Settings > Inspections > PHP > Undefined > Undefined property

Notify about access to a field via magic method

PhpStorm preferences screenshot

Solution 2:

As mentioned by LazyOne in the question comments:

You have to declare them via @property in PHPDoc comment that belongs to that class.

 * @property string $bar
class Foo {

    public function __get($name) {
        if ($name == 'bar') {
            return 'bar';
        return NULL;

Snippet from Dmitry Dulepov's article "Quick tip: magic methods and PhpStorm".

Solution 3:

If you don't want to disable the inspection for the whole project, and can't modify the class file to add a @property tag, this is how to suppress the warning at the location where it is used:

/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFieldInspection */

Just add it in a new line right before the line where the magic field is used.