Firefox Addons to go with Vimperator [closed]

Being a ViM fanatic, I recently discovered and began using the Vimperator addon for Mozilla Firefox. I've really enjoyed using it so far, and there is even a list in the Vimperator wiki for some addons that work well with Vimperator. I'm curious as to what other addons that veteran Vimperator users would recommend? Does anyone have any good favorites that blend in well with Vimperator?

If you use google bookmarks as online bookmarks storage service then gmarks is fundamental. With the following mapping in your .vimperatorrc file:

map gb :emenu GMarks.Add/Edit Bookmark<CR>

pressing gb opens the add/edit bookmark dialog of the gmarks addon, where you can set the title, labels and notes of the bookmark.

The :emenu command can be used to quickly access any other firefox menu entry, included any addon menu entry. So many addons could 'blend well' with vimperator.

Another vimperator suggestion is to learn how to setup and use search engine plugins that become very powerful using vimperator. For example I set-up two plugins for translating from italian to english and from english to italian (taken from and gave them respectively the keywords iten, enit.

Now I can quickly search for the translation of the world 'paonazzo' using:

:open iten paonazzo

Exploiting this vimperator feature you can easily set for example a keywork su to quickly search using the superuser search engine plugin and searching for 'vimperator' using:

:tabopen su vimperator

The keywords associated to search engines can be defined from:

:dialog searchengines

I like the It's All Text! addon which allows you to use any text editor (Vim works great) to edit text on forms, instead of the anemic little <textarea> editor that the browser offers by default.