Is there an easy way to add a border to a view in Xcode for iOS 5.1

I'm looking to have a border around a UIView I have just to separate it from the main view visually.

I have looked in the settings for the UIView in storyboard editor but I can't seem to find anything for setting a border.

Is there an easy way to do this in code?

Solution 1:

With Swift and XCode 6 you can do this.

Click the UIView element in Storyboard, and go to identity inspector. In the user defined runtime attributes, enter:

layer.borderWidth number 1

If you want nice looking corners

layer.cornerRadius number 5
layer.masksToBounds boolean true

Now this will give you a border but to set the colour you need to do it with code. Go to your view controller, and add an IBOutlet from your UIView. Say you do,

@IBOutlet weak var xView: UIView!

Call this in the viewDidLoad function like below to set the colour.

xView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor


Solution 2:

With this border, background still appears behind. In other words, the border isn't projected to outer of view, but to inner space.

I think that is necessary create a overlay view behind the owner with size (width x height) increased with border size.