OData Python Library available?

I was wondering if any OData Python libraries are available to produce and consume OData? There are implementations for different languages: http://www.odata.org/libraries/

But I couldn't find Python so far. I don't mean IronPython by the way. The library should be just usable in Python.

Solution 1:

i am the author of the library at http://code.google.com/p/odata-py/ it's still in its early stages but it provides the most basic functionalities (create, read, update). Don't hesitate to drop a message if you see a bug or want to contribute ;)

Solution 2:

I started my own OData 4.0 consumer project some time ago. It's based on the requests library and is pure Python. It's rather minimal as I've only implemented things I needed for work. Check it out on my github.

Works kinda like this:

from odata import ODataService
url = 'http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/'
Service = ODataService(url, reflect_entities=True)
Product = Service.entities['Product']

query = Service.query(Product)
query = query.filter(Product.ProductName.startswith('Queso'))
query = query.order_by(Product.UnitPrice.desc())
for product in query:

Solution 3:

I've recently added some OData modules to a Python package I maintain for an e-Learning project called Pyslet. The project is hosted on Github here: https://github.com/swl10/pyslet

I wrote an introductory blog post demonstrating the OData consumer features here: http://swl10.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/a-dictionary-like-python-interface-for.html

Solution 4:

Here is a version that is targeting Google App Engine: http://code.google.com/p/odata-py/

I've been experimenting with the spec and wrote a simple server for Python called MyOhData: https://bitbucket.org/dowski/myohdata/src

Solution 5:

I've looked as well after getting an intro to OData and it looks like there isn't one as of yet unfortunately. I'll be keeping an eye out for one as I'm sure one will surface.

Update 2016

OData Libraries lists two python libraries that support OData. With pyslet looking to be the most active since it has had commits in the last few months and several releases. I haven't tried either of them so I can't really say if they work well or not.