English word for the comma between three digits

The common number formatting convention uses a decimal point between the integer part and the fraction, and a comma between every three digits of the number:

1000000      -> 1,000,000
12345 + 1/5  -> 12,345.2

The . is referred to as Decimal Point. Is there an English word for the comma separating every three integer digits?

It is often called the thousands separator or digit group separator.

For ease of reading, numbers with many digits before or after the decimal mark may be divided into groups using a delimiter, with the counting of groups starting from the decimal mark in both directions. This delimiter is usually called a "thousands separator", because the digits are usually in groups of three, that is, thousands. The most general name for this delimiter is "digit group separator", because thousands are not always the relevant group. For example, in various countries (e.g., China, India, and Japan), there have been traditional conventions of grouping by 2 or 4 digits.


Some countries use a period for the separator and a comma for the decimal mark.