How to get just the root element from Xelement

You can try this in VB.NET

Dim elm as XElment = XElement.Parse(<Assembly name="3">
                                     <Component name="2" /> 

Dim strName as string 
strName = elm.AncestorsAndSelf.First.Name

Code in C#

XElement elm = XElement.Parse("<Assembly name='3'><Component name='2' /></Assembly>");
string name =elm.AncestorsAndSelf().First().Name;

You can get the root element this way :


Here is an example of implementation :

XDocument doc = new XDocument(
new XComment("This is a comment."),
new XElement("Pubs", 
    new XElement("Book",
        new XElement("Title", "Artifacts of Roman Civilization"),
        new XElement("Author", "Moreno, Jordao")
    new XElement("Book",
        new XElement("Title", "Midieval Tools and Implements"),
        new XElement("Author", "Gazit, Inbar")
new XComment("This is another comment.")

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