Turn off language localization on VLC player in Kubuntu

I'm using Kubuntu 18.10, and VLC (3.0.4) which was installed by default.

The problem I have is that I cannot change the language of the interface to English. When I searched for "how to change the language of VLC" I found screenshots of preferences window where there is drop down option to select the language.

However here is my a screenshot of preferences, in this awful mixture of grammatically incorrect Croatian and English, and the option to select the language is missing:

enter image description here

Please help, the software is completely unusable like this.

I don't think there is a language selector in VLC for Linux. It must have been a screenshot from Windows. You can still change the locale of a program, by launching it like so: LANGUAGE=en programname.

For example, LANGUAGE=en vlc.

In case you want to it permanent, edit vlc launcher /usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop, and add env LANGUAGE=en to the Exec ... line to make it look like this:

Exec=env LANGUAGE=en /usr/bin/vlc --started-from-file %U

This is one way to make VLC start in English:

  • Create the file ~/bin/vlc
  • Give it this contents:

    export LANGUAGE=en
    exec /usr/bin/vlc $@
  • Make it executable:

    chmod +x ~/bin/vlc

Possibly you need to relogin before it starts working.