How to dual boot Windows and Ubuntu on SSD and HDD?

Solution 1:

Installing Ubuntu next to Windows is very standard. It is unclear what might have gone wrong during your installation.

Following approach would be the most simple:

  1. Install Windows, leaving space for ubuntu (at least 40 GB).
  2. Install Ubuntu, allowing the installer to use the free space on the SSD. Do the fully automatic procedure: that will install the complete system on the SSD, including a swap file.
  3. Instead of having the entire /home on the HDD, have only your user data on the HDD. That is easily achieved by replacing the default "Documents", "Videos", "Pictures" etc. folders by a symbolic link to these folders on the HDD.

This is the simplest procedure, because you let the installer go ahead automatically. The alternative is to have to manually assign mount points and partitions, so the chance that something goes wrong is higher than if you use the default automatic procedure.