How do I disable the F1 "Help" key on Windows 10?

I have found an easy registry edit at this website.

Edit: Here is what the REG from this page contains:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;Disables F1 key - Help and Support - in Windows 10
;Ramesh Srinivasan,

From the windows help forum:

To make F1 do nothing, run this cmd script with administrator privilege:

@echo off
taskkill /f /im HelpPane.exe
takeown /f %WinDir%\HelpPane.exe
icacls %WinDir%\HelpPane.exe /deny Everyone:(X) 


Tried it and worked.

There is file named c:\windows\helppane that you have to rename or delete (but windows update recreates the file)... changing that one file disables the help key but the volume etc keys will remain working.

To edit helppaneyou might first have to change permissions, this is possible but annoying : it's probably hidden so search for helppane then properties - security - advanced - change (owner) - type users - ok - esc -esc -delete help pane (or rename)

ps: if you want to change the function keys to f1-12 then start pc and repeatedly tap (don't hold) i think f10? it should say what key in the lower left corner.