Solution 1:

For a simple installer flash drive that will boot in UEFI:

  1. Insert flash drive, note it's location, likely sdb.

  2. Download an Ubuntu ISO file.

  3. cd to its directory.

  4. Run in terminal:

    sudo dd if=isofilename.iso of=/dev/sdb

    (assuming sdb is the USB)

  5. The process will take a while.

  6. When done, boot Ubuntu from the USB flash drive in UEFI mode and install.

Solution 2:

You can install mkusb with the following commands in a terminal window. Zorin is similar enough to Ubuntu so that the same commands work (to install and run mkusb).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mkusb/ppa  # and press Enter
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mkusb mkusb-nox usb-pack-efi

You can start mkusb

  • from the menu or
  • from the command line in a terminal window

    mkusb file.iso

    or easier (more directly to version 12, dus

    dus file.iso

and it will help you to identify and select the target device.

There are more details at