An event that occurs only once [duplicate]

What do you call an event that occurs only once in its environment?

For instance, birth and death are two events that occur only once in the lifetime of a living thing.

I am looking for a word or phrase that would be synonymous to "non-repeating".

Consider the following:

One-time, one-off, one-shot, singleton, nonce.

Unique may serve, as mentioned in a comment below, and some other perhaps-less-suitable words are suggested in Antonym of "recurrent" [closed], including

isolated, seldom, infrequent, non-periodic.

The “happening only once” entry mentions several of the words listed above, as well as just this once, unrepeatable and in/at one fell swoop. Macmillan gives two senses of the fell swoop phrase: 1, Happening or done quickly, suddenly or immediately ... at once, straight away; 2, Happening only once: once, isolated, unrepeatable. But in several other sources (1a,1b,2,3) that second sense isn't listed.

Prefixes hapl-, haplo- are “word-forming element[s] meaning "simple, single; simply, once”. As a related example, hapax legomenon means “"word occurring only once," Greek, literally "once said," from hapax "once only" + legomenon...”. Wikipedia's hapax legomenon article defines the term more precisely.