Word for a person who wants to impose his rules everywhere or advise

My colleague has always something to advise, whatever you eat or play and he sometimes tries to dig out information from you and again advise on it. I just hate to get any feedback from him: if what I am eating is good or bad or how many people I am inviting on my daughter's birthday (none of his matter)!

I am looking for a word for that type of person.

Solution 1:

Officious: objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome: an officious person. 2. marked by or proceeding from such forwardness: officious interference.

Solution 2:

Consider “busybody”.

And here's a better translation of your description:

My colleague always gives unwanted advice. He's always prying and commenting on things, like what I choose to eat, or what music I like. I don't like when he volunteers his opinion on things that aren't any of his business. He's such a busybody.