Is there a single word for "Making a mistake just to make a point"

Google Chrome released an improved spell check option today. This is how the feature is described:

bettar spell chek

Chrome as auto-updated with bettar spell chek. Try the "Ask Google for Suggestions" feature in the right click menu of any text area.

As you see, bettar and chek are deliberately misspelled just to make the point. Is there a single word or phrase to describe this?

(I couldn't think of a better title. Feel free to edit)

Solution 1:

Cacography is:

deliberate comic misspelling, a type of humour similar to malapropism.

Solution 2:

I don't think there's a word for this exact meaning. However, it falls within the realm of parody, for sure. Google defines a parody as:

An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.

In this case, the style or "artists" in question are "people who don't use spell-check and misspell simple words."

Solution 3:

In UK English, the phrase "spot the deliberate mistake" is common.

It implies the context of a teacher who makes a mistake on purpose so that the students can try to spot and correct it.

Nowadays it's more often used as a sort of "oops" exclamation when someone makes an actual mistake.