Is it possible to save a Type (using "typeof()") in an enum?

Solution 1:

You can't do it as the value of an enum, but you could specify it in an attribute:

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

public class EffectTypeAttribute : Attribute
    public Type Type { get; private set; }

    public EffectTypeAttribute(Type type)
        this.Type = type;

public class LightningPowerup {}
public class FirePowerup {}
public class WaterPowerup {}

public enum PowerupEffectType

You can then extract those attribute values at execution time with reflection. However, I would personally just create a dictionary:

private static Dictionary<PowerupEffectType, Type> EffectTypeMapping =
    new Dictionary<PowerupEffectType, Type>
    { PowerupEffectType.Lightning, typeof(LightningPowerup) },
    { PowerupEffectType.Fire, typeof(FirePowerup) },
    { PowerupEffectType.Water, typeof(WaterPowerup) }

No need for a special attribute, no need to extract the values with fiddly reflection code.

Solution 2:

This is not exactly what u are asking for. I find Jon's attribute method the best. But why not wrap it in an extension method?

public Type GetPowerupEffectType(this PowerupEffectType powerEffect)
    switch (powerEffect)
        case LIGHTNING:
            return typeof(LightningPowerup);
        case FIRE:
            return typeof(FirePowerup);
        case WATER:
            return typeof(WaterPowerup);
            return default(Type);

And call it:

PowerupEffectType e = PowerupEffectType.WATER;
var t = e.GetPowerupEffectType();

Solution 3:

How about something like this?

You get the type-safety that you do with an enum, plus implicit conversion to Type

public class PowerupEffectType
    private readonly Type _powerupType;

    public static implicit operator Type(PowerupEffectType powerupEffectType)
        return powerupEffectType._powerupType;

    private PowerupEffectType(Type powerupType)
        _powerupType = powerupType;

    public static readonly PowerupEffectType LIGHTNING = new PowerupEffectType(typeof(LightningPowerup));
    public static readonly PowerupEffectType FIRE = new PowerupEffectType(typeof(FirePowerup));
    public static readonly PowerupEffectType WATER = new PowerupEffectType(typeof(WaterPowerup));

Solution 4:

You could use a static Dictionary<PowerupEffectType, Powerup>. I believe that would be the kind of "marriage" you are looking for. It would allow easy enumeration and access.

Solution 5:

You could use only numeric types as by documentation of Microsoft. By default the underlying type of each element in the enum is int. You can specify another integral numeric type by using a colon, as shown in the previous example. For a full list of possible types, see enum. Reference: Enumeration Types