On building jenkins project timeout after 10 minute error happens

I am using jenkins to build my git remote project. The problem is log says 'timeout after 10 min'. Receiving object starts and at 56% something happens.

Solution 1:

Edit your job configuration, and under git plugin section:

  • Click "Add"
  • Click "Advanced clone behaviours"
  • Set the number of minutes you want in "Timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operation"

I recommend checking also the "shallow clone" option. It fetches only the last state of the repository (without the history), so it's much faster.

Solution 2:

I have also face the same error while click on Build Now Button in Jenkins.

Why this error comes ? Ans: This error was coming because of low Internet connection or may be the size of you project in github is large, so jenkins not able load/cone that project from git server.

Solution steps:

  1. To resolve the problem we have to edit in Jenkins project configuration and find the git.
  2. Then click on Add button and select Advanced clone behaviors.
  3. Timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations box put any number which is more then 10, (I put 60 here).
  4. Apply and the save the configuration.
  5. Build Now again , It took some more time to build , but it fixed the error.

Cheers :)