Check if list of keys exist in dictionary [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Use all():

if all(name in grades for name in students):
    # whatever

Solution 2:

>>> grades = {
        'alex' : 11,
        'bob'  : 10,
        'john' : 14,
        'peter': 7
>>> names = ('alex', 'john')
>>> set(names).issubset(grades)
>>> names = ('ben', 'tom')
>>> set(names).issubset(grades)

Calling it class is invalid so I changed it to names.

Solution 3:

Assuming students as set

if not (students - grades.keys()):
    print("All keys exist")

If not convert it to set

if not (set(students) - grades.keys()):
    print("All keys exist")