Laravel - Return json along with http status code

If I return an object:

return Response::json([
    'hello' => $value

the status code will be 200. How can I change it to 201, with a message and send it with the json object?.

I don't know if there is a way to just set the status code in Laravel.

Solution 1:

You can use http_response_code() to set HTTP response code.

If you pass no parameters then http_response_code will get the current status code. If you pass a parameter it will set the response code.

http_response_code(201); // Set response status code to 201

For Laravel(Reference from:

return Response::json([
    'hello' => $value
], 201); // Status code here

Solution 2:

This is how I do it in Laravel 5

return Response::json(['hello' => $value],201);

Or using a helper function:

return response()->json(['hello' => $value], 201); 

Solution 3:

I think it is better practice to keep your response under single control and for this reason I found out the most official solution.

    ->setStatusCode(Response::HTTP_OK, Response::$statusTexts[Response::HTTP_OK]);

add this after namespace declaration:

use Illuminate\Http\Response;

Solution 4:

There are multiple ways

return \Response::json(['hello' => $value], STATUS_CODE);

return response()->json(['hello' => $value], STATUS_CODE);

where STATUS_CODE is your HTTP status code you want to send. Both are identical.

if you are using Eloquent model, then simple return will also be auto converted in JSON by default like,

return User::all();

Solution 5:

return response(['title' => trans('web.errors.duplicate_title')], 422); //Unprocessable Entity

Hope my answer was helpful.