How to make GIMP 2.10 titlebar black
My new, simpler solution
Another solution is to use Dark-Headers, a background service will ensure that your software always has a dark title bar.
Follow the installation instructions on the Github page, and define the list of software in ~/.config/dark-headers.conf
Kudos to @catvitalio for developing the service.
My original solution
Open Gimp, and run the following command in a terminal:
Then click on the Gimp window. Its titlebar will become dark.
Unfortunately you have to do this each and every time you open Gimp. I am sure there must be a way to run this command via a Bash script so that it happens automatically. The following bash script should automate this:
WINTITLE="GNU Image Manipulation Program"
APP="flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP"
$APP &
until [ -n "$(wmctrl -l | grep "$WINTITLE")" ] ; do : ; done
WINID=$(wmctrl -l | grep "$WINTITLE" | awk '//{print $1}')
xprop -f _GTK_THEME_VARIANT 8u -set _GTK_THEME_VARIANT dark -id $WINID
You would then just modify your menu entry to launch the bash script, rather than directly launching Gimp.
You can use the MenuLibre tool to modify menu entries easily.