How do I enable window snapping in Ubuntu 16.04 Mate?

In the Cinnamon desktop, Super+left, for example, will snap the active window to the left side of the screen. Can the same behavior be enabled in Mate on Ubuntu 16.04?

From searching, all I can find are results about Package Snaps and this AskUbuntu question that begins

I know how to enable window snapping in MATE Desktop, and it works. My problem is...

so evidently everyone knows this but me :)

I tested this on CentOS 7 with Mate 1.16.2, but it should work similarly on Ubuntu.

Enabling snapping by dragging windows with your mouse:

Open the "Windows" control panel under System - Preferences - Look and Feel - Windows. Go to the tab "Placement" and check Enable side by side tiling.

Enabling snapping with keyboard shortcuts:

Open the "Keyboard Shortcuts" control panel under System - Preferences - Hardware - Keyboard Shortcuts. Assign the following keys (although there might be more of interest, depends on your personal preferences). I'm using the keybinds I'm familiar with from Windows 7/10 here, which uses the "Windows" key in combination with an arrow key (instead of Super the configuration screen might show Mod4 or similar):

Maximize Window - Super+Up
Restore Window - Super+Down
Tile window to the east (right) side of the screen - Super+Right
Tile window to the west (left) side of the screen - Super+Left