Can I open .zip files created with 7-zip without 7-zip?

I use 7-zip to create several archives with fixed size (512 Mb) from one big file. And they have strcuture:

My problem is that without 7-zip I can't open them, is it possible by just using Windows 7 default tools?

On Windows 7:

  1. Open the folder your split zip file is in
  2. Shift + Right-click
  3. "Open command prompt here"
  4. Type copy* /b /v /y and press Enter
  5. Open your zip normally

This is beacuse 7-Zip doesn't split zip files according to the ZIP specification, but simply splits the binary file into smaller files, just like the GNU/Linux command split. xcopy stuff.* stuff will convert all the stuff.001, stuff.002... back into the original file.


Windows has a default zip uncompresser. Just right click on the file and unzip. But if this doesn't work, you can always download Winrar. The procces is the same, right click on the file and click on the unzip option with winrar logo