How do I disable mouse magnet on middle edge with multi monitors?

Solution 1:

There is a setting for it in Displays:

enter image description here

You may still get the behaviour if you have a launcher on the right monitor, so use the "Launcher Placement" option to select having your launcher on only the left screen. The stickyness between the screens is required for it to be easy to retrieve the launcher there.

You might need to log out and back in (or restart) for the changes to take effect.

Solution 2:

The "hang" is a feature to make it possible to use the launcher in multi-monitor setups when it's set to auto-hide. It can be configured using gconf-editor. The relevant keys are

/apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/stop_velocity, and


Recommended settings to minimize the effect are:

  • overcome_pressure=1
  • stop_velocity=20

These settings do not completely stop the mouse from sticking, but makes it less likely it will do so. You can reduce stop_velocity further if you want.

Possibly also /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/reveal_pressure. The latter can be configured more easily in System Settings -> Appearance -> Behavior.

  • How do I use the gconf editor?

Solution 3:

You can also modify the settings inside of CCSM if you prefer a GUI option. Its under CSSM > Unity > Experimental

There are options for Launcher Edge Stop Overcome Pressure and Edge stop Velocity which you can modify.

Solution 4:

I personally thought it could be a wrong design in an extended desktop where in the middle of the desktop, a launcher is present. Yet, notice that the launcher has new settings :

enter image description here

The reveal sensitivity allows you to adjust how much the launcher is sensitive to your mouse crossing. The higher, the more you have to push the mouse against the launcher to reveal it. While auto-hide is activated, and about 27 % of reveal sensitivity, you can surf your mouse from the left external monitor to the right one or the opposite, easily without accidently revealing the launcher. Check the poll, if you want to vote for this option.

Thanks to Hanynowsky's answer

Solution 5:

For anyone elses reference. I ended up setting 'Edge Stop Velocity' to 10,
Launcher Edge Stop Overcome Pressure to 10, and Launcher Reveal Pressure to 10.

This seems to give the perfect balance for me. No lag when dragging windows between screen. Launcher is fairly easy to access on both monitors, No mis-reveals when going for the back button in the browser...