How do I get an Intel Ultimate 6300-N working?

Solution 1:

If you have modprobe parameters you already know work:

If that modprobe parameter works for you, as root add a file in modprobe.d that makes the setting persist, like this:

  1. As root with your text editor of choice make a new file:

  2. In that file add the line:

     options iwlagn bt_coex_active=0
  3. Save and reboot.

Wireless N can be finicky on a lot of cards, but if you found modprobe settings that work for you...just make them persist. It doesn't solve the slow problem, but it does get you running consistently.

If you don't:

Disabling hardwarecrypto:

Some users have reported that N support gets much more reliable using software you might try

options iwlagn hwcrypto=0

instead of the coex option.

Disabling n:

As was already suggested by Jorge Castro:

options iwlagn 11n_disable=0