Strange colors in Ubuntu (green tint, 14.04 LTS)

I know this old now, but I was experiencing this too. It happened to me after loosing grub2. I had to install it from a live CD.

The desktop remained with a dodgy green hue to it until I updated grub. Try this and see if it works:

sudo update-grub

after rebooting the green hue was fixed. maybe just be correlation rather causation, but worth a shot if you are still having problems.


I'm experiencing the same thing on my own Inspiron 17R: Color Problems on New Install of 14.04

A band-aid is to boot with kernel-mode-setting disabled. Add nomodeset after GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= "nomodeset" in /etc/default/grub).

I'm pretty sure this disables hardware accelerated graphics, but if you're not doing graphics intensive work it at least fixes the colors.