Batch remove title from .mkv files

This is a single batch file option. In a .txt file, save the code below and then rename the file extension to .bat or .cmd to create the Windows batch file.

for %%A IN (*.mkv) do ( "C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\mkvpropedit.exe" -d title "%%~A") pause

When run, it filters only .mkv files in the current folder or directory, it then proceeds to remove the titles for all the mkv files it found in the folder or directory. Using this method, the mkv files are not re-encoded nor are they copied.

I hope this helps, if not anyone else, maybe myself, when I need this again in future. ;-)

Was looking for a way to solve this issue, because when streaming from windows to my TV, the TV would play the files out of order as it was sorting the files alphabetically using the title.

Using some of the above answers, this script worked for me in PowerShell (obviously replace the paths as appropriate for your environment:

foreach ($f in Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\User\Videos\") { D:\Programs\mkvtoolnix\mkvpropedit.exe "C:\Users\User\Videos\" -d title }