Dolphin shows wrong size of the directory?

The dolphin file manager shows 65G of storage for Secondary disk but it actually is 645G! How can i fix this?


lsblk output

Solution 1:

What dolphin shows is the total size of all files in Secondary Disk. In other words, in the above case (i.e. in which the directory is a mountpoint), it's the current usage of the filesystem on /dev/sda3 (well, more or less, metadata size might be excluded). You can / should compare it with Used in df -h /run/media/insp/Secondary\ Disk.

What lsblk shows is the capacity of the partition, i.e. the maximum size that can be used by the filesystem on it.

P.S. Btw, IIRC, Size in df is the capacity of the partition that is currently allocated to the filesystem, so if you have ever enlarged a partition but not the filesystem on it, it could be different from SIZE in lsblk.)

EDIT: When I take a look again at your screenshot I realize that, perhaps what you wonder is why the usage implied in Free space is 625.5G (645.1 - 19.6). In addition to df -h, also run du -sh with and without --apparent-size on /run/media/insp/Secondary\ Disk and see what they give. Perhaps there's indeed something wrong with the filesystem (which can probably, if at all, be fixed only in Windows).