Persistent bookmarks to particular Gmail accounts

At work, I like to keep two Gmail tabs open: one showing my personal account, the other showing my work account.

I created bookmarks for the two accounts by copying the URL. My personal account's URL was

and my work account URL was

This worked well for a while, but eventually I logged out of both accounts and apparently logged back in in the opposite order that I did intially, because my personal mail bookmark started taking me to my work account, and vice versa. It seems that the final component in those URLs is some kind of non-persistent log-in-order index.

Is there any way to bookmark my accounts in a way that persists across logouts and logins, regardless of order?

The following works:[email protected]

And here is some text to fill the 30 character minimum. The URL doesn't count for whatever reason.

You should be able to create a specific shortcut for each account with the following URL (all on one line).

Replace LOGIN with the email address of the gmail account you want the shortcut to go to. You will be taken to the sign-in screen for that account.

It is possible to add the password to the URL for automatic sign-in, but I do not recommend it because it leaves your password exposed to all who see the URL. But if you want to create a link with the password, add &Passwd=PASSWORD&null=Sign+in to above link after LOGIN and change PASSWORD to your actual password.