Should HTML meta charset be lowercase or uppercase?

Solution 1:

The value for charset is case-insensitive.


The charset attribute specifies the character encoding used by the document. This is a character encoding declaration. If the attribute is present, its value must be an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "utf-8".

Link to full document:

Solution 2:

As per the W3C:

A case-insensitive match for any character set name for which the IANA [Character Sets] registry has a Name or Alias field labeled as “preferred MIME name”; or, if none of the Alias fields are so labeled, a case-insensitive match for a Name field in the registry.

The specification does not specifically provide for a canonical case. Previously, I would have suggested you just use UTF-8 (from the registry), however the world is moving to lowercase and I now prefer utf-8 as it aligns better with all your other HTML.