How to create Javascript constants as properties of objects using const keyword?

How come constants cannot be set as properties of objects which are variables themselves?

const a  = 'constant' // all is well
// set constant property of variable object
const window.b = 'constant' // throws Exception
// OR
var App = {};  // want to be able to extend
const App.goldenRatio= 1.6180339887  // throws Exception

And how come constants passed by reference suddenly become variable? EDIT: I know App won't (or rather... SHOULDN'T) be mutable; this is just an observation...

(function() {
    const App;
    // bunch of code
    window.com_namespace = App;
window.com_namespace; // App
window.com_namespace = 'something else';
window.com_namespace; // 'something else'

How can a nicely organized, extensible, object-oriented, singly namespaced library containing constants be made with these limitations?

EDIT: I believe zi42, but I just have to ask why

Solution 1:

You cannot do it with constants. The only possible way to do something that behaves like you want, but is not using constants, is to define a non-writable property:

var obj = {};
Object.defineProperty( obj, "MY_FAKE_CONSTANT", {
  writable: false,
  enumerable: true,
  configurable: true

Regarding your question as to why a const passed to a function becomes variable, the answer is because it's passed by value and not by reference. The function is getting a new variable that has the same value as your constant.

edit: thanks to @pst for noting that objects literals in javascript are not actually "passed by reference", but using call-by-sharing:

Although this term has widespread usage in the Python community, identical semantics in other languages such as Java and Visual Basic are often described as call-by-value, where the value is implied to be a reference to the object.

Solution 2:

const person = {
    name: "Nicholas"

// works = "Greg";

console.log(person) //Greg 

That's why use Object.defineProperty

Solution 3:

There is a far simpler way to do this. I like this pattern. Simple Objects.

window.Thingy = (function() {

    const staticthing = "immutable";

    function Thingy() {

        let privateStuff = "something";

        function get() {
            return privateStuff;

        function set(_) {
            privateStuff = _;
        return Object.freeze({

    Thingy.staticthing = staticthing;
    return Object.freeze(Thingy);

let myThingy = new Thingy();

Thingy.staticthing = "fluid";

myThingy.staticthing = "fluid";

console.log(Thingy.staticthing); // "immutable"
console.log(myThingy.staticthing); // "immutable"

Object.freeze is doing the work here

if you want you can leave the static property off the instance by leaving it off the object literal return on the constructor function.

const will only make it a read-only reference. As soon as you assign it, like here in a object literal it becomes a property of the constructed object.

Solution 4:

var obj = {};
Object.defineProperty( obj, "MY_FAKE_CONSTANT", {
  writable: false,
  enumerable: true,
  configurable: false // instead of true

We should set also configurable to be false so that it will prevent the property from being deleted from the obj

delete obj.MY_FAKE_CONSTANT;

With configurable to be true, after the line, we don't have the MY_FAKE_CONSTANT anymore.


Solution 5:

You should not forgot that the const declaration "creates a read-only reference to a value. It does not mean the value it holds is immutable, just that the variable identifier cannot be reassigned"

The const keyword work in a similar way than 'let', so you can redeclare it in an other block

const MyConst = 5;
console.log('global MyConst =', MyConst); //global MyConst = 5
  const MyConst = 99
  console.log('in if block, MyConst =', MyConst); //in if block, MyConst = 99
console.log('global MyConst still 5 ?', MyConst===5); //global MyConst still 5 ? true

Just like @ziad-saab mantioned if you want an object property than act like a constant, you have to define it as a non-writable property.

if your constant is an object and is property should not change, use Object.freeze() to make the object immutable.

  var App = { };
  // create a "constant" object property for App
  Object.defineProperty(App , "fixedStuff", {
    value: Object.freeze({ prop:6 }),
    writable: false,
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(window, "com_namespace", {
    value: App,
    writable: false,
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true

com_namespace.newStuff = 'An extension';
com_namespace.fixedStuff.prop = 'new value'; // do nothing!
console.log(com_namespace.fixedStuff.prop); //6