Finding index of nearest point in numpy arrays of x and y coordinates

I have two 2d numpy arrays: x_array contains positional information in the x-direction, y_array contains positions in the y-direction.

I then have a long list of x,y points.

For each point in the list, I need to find the array index of the location (specified in the arrays) which is closest to that point.

I have naively produced some code which works, based on this question: Find nearest value in numpy array


import time
import numpy

def find_index_of_nearest_xy(y_array, x_array, y_point, x_point):
    distance = (y_array-y_point)**2 + (x_array-x_point)**2
    idy,idx = numpy.where(distance==distance.min())
    return idy[0],idx[0]

def do_all(y_array, x_array, points):
    store = []
    for i in xrange(points.shape[1]):
    return store

# Create some dummy data
y_array = numpy.random.random(10000).reshape(100,100)
x_array = numpy.random.random(10000).reshape(100,100)

points = numpy.random.random(10000).reshape(2,5000)

# Time how long it takes to run
start = time.time()
results = do_all(y_array, x_array, points)
end = time.time()
print 'Completed in: ',end-start

I'm doing this over a large dataset and would really like to speed it up a bit. Can anyone optimize this?


UPDATE: SOLUTION following suggestions by @silvado and @justin (below)

# Shoe-horn existing data for entry into KDTree routines
combined_x_y_arrays = numpy.dstack([y_array.ravel(),x_array.ravel()])[0]
points_list = list(points.transpose())

def do_kdtree(combined_x_y_arrays,points):
    mytree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(combined_x_y_arrays)
    dist, indexes = mytree.query(points)
    return indexes

start = time.time()
results2 = do_kdtree(combined_x_y_arrays,points_list)
end = time.time()
print 'Completed in: ',end-start

This code above sped up my code (searching for 5000 points in 100x100 matrices) by 100 times. Interestingly, using scipy.spatial.KDTree (instead of scipy.spatial.cKDTree) gave comparable timings to my naive solution, so it is definitely worth using the cKDTree version...

Here is a scipy.spatial.KDTree example

In [1]: from scipy import spatial

In [2]: import numpy as np

In [3]: A = np.random.random((10,2))*100

In [4]: A
array([[ 68.83402637,  38.07632221],
       [ 76.84704074,  24.9395109 ],
       [ 16.26715795,  98.52763827],
       [ 70.99411985,  67.31740151],
       [ 71.72452181,  24.13516764],
       [ 17.22707611,  20.65425362],
       [ 43.85122458,  21.50624882],
       [ 76.71987125,  44.95031274],
       [ 63.77341073,  78.87417774],
       [  8.45828909,  30.18426696]])

In [5]: pt = [6, 30]  # <-- the point to find

In [6]: A[spatial.KDTree(A).query(pt)[1]] # <-- the nearest point 
Out[6]: array([  8.45828909,  30.18426696])

#how it works!
In [7]: distance,index = spatial.KDTree(A).query(pt)

In [8]: distance # <-- The distances to the nearest neighbors
Out[8]: 2.4651855048258393

In [9]: index # <-- The locations of the neighbors
Out[9]: 9

In [10]: A[index]
Out[10]: array([  8.45828909,  30.18426696])

scipy.spatial also has a k-d tree implementation: scipy.spatial.KDTree.

The approach is generally to first use the point data to build up a k-d tree. The computational complexity of that is on the order of N log N, where N is the number of data points. Range queries and nearest neighbour searches can then be done with log N complexity. This is much more efficient than simply cycling through all points (complexity N).

Thus, if you have repeated range or nearest neighbor queries, a k-d tree is highly recommended.

If you can massage your data into the right format, a fast way to go is to use the methods in scipy.spatial.distance:

In particular pdist and cdist provide fast ways to calculate pairwise distances.