Can I walk faster?

I'm playing my way through Bioshock (and then Bioshock 2) to prepare for Bioshock Infinite. I'm doing okay apart from I've got to a part where I have no weapons apart from a wrench and a camera. I want to shock the enemy using plasmids and then run up and whack him with my wrench, but I seem to move very slowly (this is all the time, not just in this area). Can I up my move speed at all or is there a button for sprint?

Solution 1:

Research the Thuggish Splicers to obtain the SportBoost physical tonics, which increases movement speed and also lets you swing your wrench faster. You can use both versions of this tonic at the same time.

Solution 2:

I assume you are playing PC version.

Firstly check if you didn't press walk(should be CTRL) or crouch (C) buttons. So far I checked in forums thats most common problem. Otherwise it will be natural game speed.

While playing Bioshock 1 I don't remember having sprint, but in 2nd part you will be able to unlock charge with drill :D